
Like KLauckwork

I publish a monthly newsletter "Like KLauckwork" with tips on mindfulness and how to apply it in your day to day life.

September 2024

September: Self-Worth

Can you see who you really are? Underneath all the stories, all the hurt, all the fear is YOU, the primary witness to your own experience and the one who really knows who you are.
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August 2024

August: Radical Acceptance

The things we resist are the things that persist. When we can lean into what’s happening and accept it without trying to change it, we can begin to transcend it and find freedom.
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July 2024

July: Hope

Hope isn’t a destination but instead is opening to what’s possible inside you — trusting in what you already have, a process of watering the metaphorical seeds within to cultivate your own personal growth no matter what’s happening in your life.
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June 2024

June: Summer Solstice

Welcome, Summertime! Today marks the turning of the seasons into summer. Summertime is just different — more sunshine, longer days, warmer temps, spontaneity, and fun.
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May 2024

May: Flow

"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process that cannot be understood by stopping it. We must move with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it." - Frank Herbert, Dune
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April 2024

April: Resilience

"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou
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March 2024

March: Silence

There's big difference between being lonely, which is [behind the] epidemic of loneliness – and learning how to be alone.
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February 2024

February: Boundaries

Do you have trouble saying no to other people? Do you consistently say yes to other people when you need to say no?
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January 2024

How do you feel?

“What are you feeling right now?” asked the executive coach. “Good,” responded Bob without a second thought.
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December 2023

Unlocking Compassion

During this time of the year of gathering with friends and with family, many emotions can arise, especially ones around difficult interactions. A tool for increasing empathy and compassion in challenging relationships is the “Empty Chair Technique”.
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November 2023

On the Subject of Gratitude…

During this time of year, the word gratitude is often used. In my own experience, there’s no specific time of the year that gratitude has got the corner on.
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October 2023

What I’m Reminding Myself

During difficult times like these in our world, it’s easy to forget to show up for ourselves.
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September 2023

On Relating Wisely to Conflict

As we begin the month that will close out the official summer, let us reflect on ways we may more effectively relate to ourselves, to each other, and to our world.
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August 2023

Reflecting on My Younger Self

Having recently celebrated a 30-year high school class reunion, I’ve been reflective about my younger self and aware of how little I showed up for myself when I was younger.
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July 2023


Do you have a critical inner voice? I sure do, and I have done lots of work around turning my inner voice into a supportive one.
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June 2023

Overcoming Perfection

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” — Richard Branson
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May 2023

Accessing Calm through Transitions

As summer approaches and we begin winding down academic years, we’re often left with a sense of overall stress and anxiety.
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April 2023

Dealing with Worry

Worry and anxiety plagued me for most of my life. When I discovered the tools of mindfulness and learned that I could indeed turn my worry into something worthwhile, I gave it up too.
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March 2023

3 Skills for Everyday Life that can Change your Brain

As we begin the change in season from winter to spring, a natural change that happens like clockwork, this month’s newsletter focuses on ways to change how we treat our own thinking.
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February 2023

Warmth in Winter

When we’re feeling cold and alone with our sometimes-overwhelming emotions and stress, it’s helpful to be able to provide ourselves the warmth we need to get through to the other side.
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January 2023

One “Tiny Habit” at a Time.

Enhancing our lives and our ability to manage stress doesn’t happen overnight. It happens one “tiny habit” at a time.
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December 2022

Mindfulness is Medicine

Mindfulness IS indeed medicine, per the recent publication on the matter in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry.
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November 2022

Mindfulness-Based Self Compassion

Are you aware of how self-critical your voice is? For most of us, that voice is so familiar that we hardly notice it anymore.
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October 2022

Letting Go

Fall always contains within it the beauty of letting things go, as the green changes to the colors of autumn and the leaves eventually fall to the ground.
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September 2022

Slow Down and See Where You are Going

When we’re overwhelmed, especially during this time of year with the return to school, office, or regular routine, we tend to push harder and speed up.
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August 2022

Practice Mental Hygiene

You brush your teeth for good hygiene. But how often are you practicing mental hygiene? Taking just 10-15 minutes each morning is the mental health equivalent of brushing your teeth before you need a root canal.
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July 2022

Practice Group

Starting this Thursday, July 7, KLauckwork — A Mindful Solution will begin hosting a monthly FREE mindfulness practice group.
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June 2022

The Space to Choose Your Response

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” — Viktor Frankl
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May 2022

This Too Shall Pass

“Mindfulness directly reveals the truth of impermanence. When we see this truth of change for ourselves, our relationship to experience dramatically shifts. We learn to enjoy pleasant experiences without holding on to them when they pass (which they will) and we are able to remain present with unpleasant experiences without fearing they will always be this way (which they won’t).” — James Baraz
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April 2022

The Coming of Springtime

The coming of springtime is often a visual reminder to me that it’s never too late for me to start over, or to begin again. As trees begin to leaf out and flowers begin to bloom, the new growth around us is an invitation for us to refresh ourselves through the practice of mindfulness. I love how a mindfulness practice can be cultivated like a garden.
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March 2022

Nine essential attitudes of a mindfulness practice

Jon Kabat-Zinn writes that there are 9 essential attitudes of a mindfulness practice, namely “non-judgment, patience, a beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, letting go, generosity, and gratitude”. How can we use these attitudes to learn how to thrive in an uncertain world?
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February 2022

A Grounding Exercise to Manage Stress

“Mindfulness exercises are the gold standard for managing COVID stress for a reason.” — Mindful Leader And the reason is because science shows that mindfulness exercises work, and work well, in dealing with COVID stress. At this writing, the pandemic has been with almost 2 years.
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January 2022

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

“Slow and steady wins the race” goes the old saying from Aesop’s Fables, emphasizing the importance of purpose and constant effort over hasty and occasional action. It’s in those terms that I like to think of when setting my intentions and reaching my goals, one of which is to maintain a consistent formal mindfulness practice every day. So what’s the best way to get there and to create lasting change?
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December 2021

Relax and Remember to Breathe

“I envision a day when mental exercise will be as much a part of our lives as physical exercise and personal hygiene.” This quote from Richard Davidson, the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, pretty well captures my feelings on the matter.
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November 2021

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

I’m sure most of you have heard or read this quote before, commonly attributed to Mahatma Ghandi, but what does it actually mean? Many of us are looking for ways to feel more at ease in the world.
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October 2021

The Mighty Powers of Mindfulness

You've probably heard of mindfulness, maybe in a magazine or from a friend or maybe even from your doctor. But you probably don’t know how mighty and powerful mindfulness really is.
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Moments of Gratitude


You helped me immensely today.  Had a rough go of it, but before I spiraled I found a dark quiet room and listened to your 9-minute recording on mindfulness. Thank you!

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John Wilkerson


The manager I sent to work with you for stress told me that this is the best thing I’ve ever done for her!

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Retail business owner


I’ve been in therapy for years, but I got more out of Kerrie’s mindfulness-based self-compassion program in 2 months than I did in all those years. Since I’ve done the program, I just have loved these last few weeks because my insides feel better. I’m learning to stop and ask myself what I need.

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Sara B.

Individual Client

We’ve had great feedback about your program.

For example, an employee had a scary medical emergency recently. As she was about to go into an MRI machine to see if she was having a stroke, frantic with worry and claustrophobic, she said she thought of your sessions and began one of the breathing exercises you taught. She told our HR director that practicing the mindfulness techniques you taught saved her sanity and helped her remain calm during a multi-day hospitalization and medical crisis.

In addition to the in-person and Zoom attendees, I’m aware of a number of people who watch the recordings afterward and review your materials. Altogether, I think we had 30-50 people engaged in at least one or more of the sessions. I consider this to be a big success, as it is always a struggle to get people engaged in workplace wellness programs. Sometimes, even the offer of a free lunch won’t get people to show up! The fact that so many continued to attend and watch the videos after the first session is a testament to your good work.

Although I still need to catch up by watching the last couple of videos, I’ve personally used what I learned in the first couple of sessions on several occasions. Specifically, when my brain gets onto the hamster wheel of the “story of me” (which is usually negative and generally during my commute or while trying to fall asleep at night), I tell myself to close the book and focus on what’s around me – what I see, hear, smell, and feel. It has been especially helpful to short-circuit the Sunday scaries, which I get pretty much every Sunday night.

Your work changes lives!

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Adrienne Baker

Former Chief Operating Officer
Wright Lindsey Jennings

Kerrie Lauck is an absolute treasure. She carries such wisdom, expertise, kindness, and professionalism in her life and work and has blended it all together into a powerful vision that impacts individuals as well as workplace culture. Kerrie gently works to help us live more fully mindful of the present moment so we can live from a place of truth, more aware of our connectedness with others and also more aware of the connectedness between our mind and our actions. Kerrie works with diverse groups of people and has shown her capacity to engage with and empower others. She is grounded, full of joy, and one of those rare few with whom I always leave feeling like a better version of myself.

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Elisabeth Cooper


My teenage son and I have participated in several mindfulness exercises with Kerrie, and I have worked with her one on one. We always looked forward to her guidance and left feeling light, grounded, and recharged. She has a true gift; her calm presence, soothing voice, and warm soul make the practice of centering effortless. We can't recommend her enough!

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Emilie Rowland

Individual Client

Just watched the recording of your session and wanted to say how good you are at this! You’re clearly in your zone and I love that you decided to follow your heart and your calling. I can only imagine how daunting taking that step must have been. I’m so proud of you and what you’re doing—it’s invaluable, as are you!

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Kristen Speer

Licensed Professional Counselor

Last week's mindfulness session was great! I wasn't sure if I would be able to meditate virtually with a group, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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Practice Group participant


This workplace course has helped me so much in managing my response to the craziness at city hall.  I was so disappointed the training was over when we got to the last session.

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Elected City Official


Kerrie has such an incredible way about her: a soft but firm confidence and the best voice I’ve ever heard. Our team enjoyed the sessions very much and want to do it again next year.

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Small business owner


After knowing Kerrie for a decade, I am so glad to see her giving herself full time to an endeavor that makes use of her considerable empathy. I often relate within our community how intensely and completely Kerrie enters into each conversation, absorbing the needs and perspective of the speaker with startling focus. I can't imagine a better qualified person for this profession and will happily refer my own community to her for guidance on the journey toward mindfulness!

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Sensei Tanner Critz

Unity Martial Arts

Do you know what I do when something major happens and I want to lash out? I ask myself: what would Kerrie do?

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Practice Group participant


I have known Kerrie for over 10 years. I have admired her gentle wisdom and ability to be totally present. Her personal practice of mindfulness has shaped her life and helped her ability to gracefully navigate life's challenges. I am thrilled she has chosen to share these gifts to a broader circle of people. As a retired psychiatric nurse and fellow mindfulness practitioner, I wholeheartedly recommend the services of Kerrie Lauck and KLauckwork as a resource for personal growth!

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Margot Cameron


I recently completed a workplace series of sessions with Kerrie and have found so many of the things I learned to be extremely helpful in my work and just day to day life. The tips, the practices, the stories and Kerrie’s unbelievable calm and soothing nature have been a huge comfort in this crazy life. I would highly recommend that your workplace schedule time with Kerrie.

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Lee Ann Dietz

Management Consultant

“I’m so thrilled at your new profession!  I love your Facebook mindfulness tips and feel you are perfect for this path.  I couldn’t have been as effective a legislator without you, not just in your exceptional research and writing skills and legal knowledge, but also because every time I left your office, I felt energized and ready to enter the ring again and push forward.  You ALWAYS helped me with my present to move to the immediate future, and that was the best present of all.”

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Lindsley Smith

Attorney, Author, Retired Professor
former State Representative

Man, thank you for that session, Kerrie. I knew it would be a good use of time, but it hit home in some unexpected ways, right from the very first practice when I greeted myself. It was very, very useful and I'd love to do the full [mindfulness-based self-compassion] course.

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Matt R.


It feels so good to be working with you.  You are so soothing – even just the way you breathe makes me feel better.

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Shea H.


Are you stressed, burned out, anxious?  Lack clarity and focus?  Kerrie Lauck, a masterful mindfulness coach and trainer, can help you increase your clarity, resilience, and, balance, by teaching you simple mindfulness techniques that you can do on your own. I have experienced her magic one-on-one and in groups.  She’s mesmerizing with her soothing voice and pacing.  I experienced her at a Southwest Airlines forum where she led a group of 50 or so in mindfulness training using her soothing voice and down-to-earth approach. They agreed her presentation was the best of the day.

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Katherine Bock

Executive Coach

Bringing Kerrie in to provide a mindfulness training was such a meaningful investment into our People. At Southwest, we prioritize caring for our Employees, and providing practical ways for them to also do so for themselves. The first time I went through a session with Kerrie outside of my department, I knew it was something we needed to bring to my direct group of Co-hearts. The airline industry can be stressful and overwhelming, even in the best of times. This pandemic has wreaked havoc on our world and definitely our industry, so the opportunity to give our People a chance to take a break and learn to focus on themselves in a fruitful way could not have been more timely. Kerrie is extremely relatable both on and off the stage, making her the ideal facilitator for mindfulness practice. I cannot recommend her enough, and count her a true friend!

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Devan Webb

Southwest Airlines

Mindfulness training with Kerrie has been a revelation to me. I had taken a course in the past but never achieved the understanding of and ability to practice mindfulness as I have with Kerrie. Her exercises and practice recordings have given me a readily accessible path to use anytime. Her encouragement and excitement gave me a desire to practice on my own. Mindfulness really is an investment in yourself and a solid plan for improvement in your life.

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Cathy Duncan

National Special Education Trainer